In March 2019, Pam emailed me a cartoon she had drawn. She was pleased with this new creative outlet, a new voice. It was fun and light, and as she pointed out, would add interest to website and her email newsletter. She imagined publishing cartoons in Tone magazine, a spiritually-oriented publication for Eastern Ontario in which she advertised, and in other newsletters.
They reminded me of my friend Mary Dixon, for whom a creative drawing exercise resulted in a book of cartoons and an alter ego, Mary Doodle, Rural Life Coach – and opened up a flood of creative projects. So of course I cheered Pam on.
I am compiling the few cartoons that Pam made here. – HH
March 24, 2019:

Garden series
There were also several single-panel drawings that seem to have something to do with the community garden that she was part of. The costumes reflect the multi-ethnic neighbourhood.
No stealing? It’s a problem in that garden. This one is unfinished.