Angelic Sound Healing: A Prayer for the Earth
The story behind this recording is below. – HH
The backstory
by Heather Holm
In July 2017, my husband Steve and I visited Pam in Ottawa. I had a new Blue Yeti microphone and suggested we record Pam doing her voice and singing bowl “thing”.
Her bedroom was pretty quiet, so Pam set up her crystal and brass bowls and other instruments around her as she stood on one side of the bed. Steve lay on the other side. I put the laptop outside the room to minimize background hum, and connected it to the mic by a long cord.
Pam started with a prayer of invocation and intention:
We invite in the archangels, the ascended masters, your guardian angels, ancestors who are in the light. Welcome. We thank you for your presence, enfolding the space here for light, for healing, for help, for well-being….
Then she began playing the bowls and improvising vocally.
Pam had long cultivated her awareness of different high spiritual energies and gave them her voice, essentially channelling them, not with words, but rather allowing them to express healing intentions and move the energy that arose to be cleared.
Our first attempt was interrupted halfway, right at a moment of peak intensity, by a neighbour’s lawn mower or leaf blower. Pam paused and resumed when he was finished, but we didn’t know if the recording would be salvageable.
Nonetheless, she stated that the energies that had come through concerned prayers for the Middle East and Africa, specifically for clean water and healthy food, a safe environment for children, the releasing of despair, hope for those who are imprisoned, harm reduction for those who need it, raising the vibration on Earth and in the heavens, rest and a peaceful sleep at the end of the day.
She had felt the presence of Archangel Sandalphon especially, as well as Archangels Zadkiel, Michael, Raphael and Gabriel. Among the ascended masters she had felt Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and the Christ Consciousness.
Lying on the bed in the middle of all this, Steve felt that there was a lot more going on in the room than was immediately apparent. He had been transported into a timeless space in which the bowls were pulling sound up from the ground and swirling it in a vortex that drew out worry, tension and fear, cleansing the mind, leaving it quiet, the heart happy.
Not knowing if we had a recording that was shareable, she did a second “piece”/prayer/meditation, which turned out to be quite specific in its intention: healing for those who had been abused. The neighbour left us in peace for that one.
When we got back home to Nova Scotia, I published the second recording as a YouTube video. Pam was delighted. You can find it here.
But I gave up on the first recording until now, 6 years later. This time I persisted, feeling Pam’s blessing on the project. There is power in the sound of her voice and the bowls.
I coupled it with a video of the sky from our backyard. If you keep your eyes open (no obligation), you may see some birds flying across it.