Two Sacred Chants in Hebrew (2009)
The full recording of these chants included an introduction by Pamela:
These chants are in Hebrew-Aramaic, and when I read these to my father [who studied Biblical languages in theological college], he was very interested in what I was doing.
The nature of chants is that they are repeated, over and over again. They are used in ecstatic singing, they are used to lift the vibration. Certainly as I have sung them walking the dog or whatever, at periods when I’m down or confused at times, I have found more peace in singing them.
Bnai Elohim
Bnai Elohim,
Kodoish, kodoish, kodoish,
Bnai Elohim Adonai tsebayoth
I was told it’s actually something to say three times if you feel there are evil spirits following you around, to banish them from the space. Basically, it’s names for God. The translation::
Sons and daughters of Light,
Holy, Holy, Holy, Hosts of the Light.
Eloha Elohim
This next one is “Eloha Elohim”: again, names for God. Then “Allaha” and “Allah” – other names in Arabic for God.
Creator of Light in the Highest
I AM That