Another Bright Star
Pamela Holm composed this song for her mother’s Memorial Service in 2014.
It was performed again by Pamela’s colleagues at her own Memorial Service in October, 2019. That video is further down the page.
Both times, the congregation joined in on the chorus at the end.
Video, 2014
There’s another bright star in the heavens.
There’s another bright soul goin’ home.
On her angel’s wings she’s a joinin’
The hosts and the heavenly throng…. Singin’…
Hallelujah in Heaven
Singin’ hallelujah to the Soul of Souls
Sining’ hallelujah in Heaven
She’s a-goin’ home.
All the birds are singin’ there in heaven
And tall grasses reach high to the sun
Oceans offer up their splashes
All the songs of creation are sung … They sing….
Light a candle to help her on her journey
Sing a song of praise to guard her soul
And on angel wings she flies homeward
To the land where we all are remade whole…. Singing’ …
Down the road, I know I’ll be goin’
One day, when my journey is done
She’ll be there to meet me at the temple
Where our hearts will sing praises as one … We’ll sing …
Sheet Music
Download Sheet Music (PDF)
Another-Bright-Star-with-Pams-harmoniesVideo, 2019
Here is Another Bright Star being performed by Pamela’s music therapy colleagues and a few others for Pamela’s memorial service in Ottawa on October 12, 2019. The video starts at the timestamp for the song. Again, audience participation was irresistible.