Music Therapy Information Sessions – January 9 and 16
What is music therapy? Who is it for? What is it about?
Everyone can benefit from it. Maybe you already use music as your therapy when you choose to go out and dance, or play a particular song on your listening device.
I apply the same principle…that music helps us to feel good…with training, experience and understanding. In my groups, I help you to use music, sound and music making strategically to help you when you feel stuck, or could benefit from taking an inward look so you can gain self-understanding and self-confidence.
Your loved ones can also benefit… do you know anyone with cancer or depression, or someone in crisis or experiencing some mid-life craziness? or family members with expressive challenges because of autism, developmental delays, or Alzheimers?
I am a registered psychotherapist and certified music therapist with twenty-five years experience.
Come learn more and experience a little of what it is all about.
Cost: $10
Evening Session: Monday, January 9, 2017 – 7:30-9:00pm
Afternoon Session: Monday, January 16, 2017 – 1-2:30pm
Location: Nectar Centre, 255 MacKay St., 3rd floor (follow the sounds upstairs)
Register now: phone 613-829-1556, or email: email hidden; JavaScript is required