Ottawa’s Energy Balancing Exchange: Pamela Holm- Guest presenter
Friday, February 7, 2014 Ottawa Citizen Building, (Conference Room), 1101 Baxter Rd., Ottawa, behind the Ikea store at the Pinecrest Mall. Starts: 7pm; Doors open 6:30 Contribution $6
Energy Balance Exchanges are a monthly event (every first Friday of the month), offering the opportunity to learn about alternative healing technologies and meet the practitioners. After the guest presentation, (me, this time) there is a round circle during which practitioners and interested people find out about each other. Then people are able to use the opportunity to try one or two of the modalities offered. Great networking opportunity.
Presentation tonight: Using your voice to tone your chakras. I will lead the group through the experience, as a simple exercise you can do to energize your body and open up room to grow!